Saturday, January 10, 2009


Logan and Dylan have finally found interests that do not include video games! Logan had Music Appreciation last semester, and the teacher really made an impression on him. He signed up for beginning band, and is now learning to play the flute. He said he has always liked that instrument, and wants to learn to play. He is even taken some ribbing from other kids, who tell him it is "gay" for him to play the flute. I asked him how he handled that, he said when a guy on the bus said that to him, he just shrugged, grinned, and said, "I know". I can just see him doing that. He told me he didn't care what anybody said about it, that was the instrument he wanted to play. My baby is growing up.

Dylan joined the Jr ROTC, and is very excited about it. He learned the creed in a couple of days, and has his uniform. He even got a buzz cut with no arguments. All he talks about is "ranking up". Pop is so proud of him. Says he can help him learn to march and stand tall. Dylan said he is the newest member, so his patch doesn't have a rank yet. His nickname is "FuzzyPatch". Apparently, every new member gets a nickname that will stick with them through school. My baby is growing up....

They will be 15 this month. Hard to believe, they still seem like my babies. I guess they always will. They are growing into fine young men, and I am so very proud of both of them.

School for me starts this Tuesday. One class, one night, from 5:15 to 10:15. I can't even imagine how this is going to be....5 hours? I just hope I can bring

Also, I have lost 16 pounds since December 5th. With the help of Phentermine, drinking lots of water, and the 2 girls I work with, it has not been too hard. It is just a start, but it's a pretty good start.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

And another month goes by.....

I am finally on a new computer. My other one was practically useless, went sooooo slow. This new one came today, like an early Christmas present to me! Bad news is, it has Vista on it. But I guess I will get used to it.

Sad note, my biological dad died Saturday. I had not seen him in 12 years or so. He was pretty abusive, mostly emotional, and once I had the boys, I had a hard time going around him. The last time I saw him, Logan and Dylan were almost 2 years old, and we stopped by because I saw him outside. Needless to say, he went off in one of his tirades (mostly about my mom and Pop), and I had to just leave. No way I was going to have my children subjected to any of that. It was bad enough I had to hear it. Several issues with his dying.....first off, no one called to tell us. My sister in law had a friend who saw it in the paper, and she called me Sunday morning. Sunday was a very long day. I got the obit out of Monday's paper, and to my surprise, (altho I have no idea why), I was not named at all. I haven't really processed that yet, not sure how to feel about it. I cannot imagine doing that to your child though, no matter what the relationship. Pop took me to the funeral home yesterday morning, and I was allowed to see him by myself. I put a couple of pictures of me and him together when I was a baby under his pillow. I told him I was sorry and that I forgave him as well. Kinda weird for Pop to be the one to take me to see my dad, but fitting as well. He has been a better dad all the way around anyway. I am very lucky and grateful to have him in my life.

The boys and I went back to the visitation last night. My friend Leslie and her son met us there. She knew Betty (stepmonster) and my dad too. I got to see Uncle Paul and Aunt Gay (his brother and his wife from Utah) and that was nice. I love any opportunity to show off my boys. I spoke to my youngest half brother Paul, although he seemed very uncomfortable and made no effort to introduce me to his wife or kids. I then spoke to Betty and expressed my sorrow. She said something about being sorry things didn't work out the way I wanted them to....not sure exactly what she meant by that. We all stayed home today to rest up...grief is very tiring. No one has slept well these past 2 nights. Hopefully tonight will be better.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Time Flies.....

How did I miss a whole month? Oh well.....let's see. I guess I've just been enjoying the time off from school and studying.

Pop and I went to the school for a teacher conference a couple of weeks ago. Seems Dylan has not been doing what he was supposed to in any of his classes. After this "come to Jesus" meeting tho, he has been doing better.

Kay called me a couple of weeks ago regarding a job at Columbus Clinic. I have been away for about 2 years, but have not been too happy. When I left to go to Rivertown Pediatrics, it seemed the thing to do, but I have not been allowed to do what I was hired to do since I got there. I ended up in the phone room of all places. I have enjoyed working with most of the people, but the work is not very fulfilling. I left Columbus Clinic because of the stress level, but it seems some stress is necessary in order to feel necessary. Long story short, I am going back to Columbus Clinic Tuesday. I will be working in insurance billing, and the manager is a certified medical coder, so she can help me with studying and preparing for the certification test. I am excited to be going back "home".

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Respite from school

I will be taking a break from school this quarter. The only class available is Business Document Processing 101. Turns out it is a KEYBOARDING class...LOL! Like I need that! So I dropped it! I will have to test out, but I have no doubt I can type 30 wpm. It will be kind of nice not to go this time. I will start back next quarter.

More later!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

One more class finished!

Ok, so I aced the final in my Human Disease class. It was open book, but I was still worried. I ended up with an 85 B for final grade. Not too shabby, I don't think. 3 more quarters and I will be done. Next quarter starts Monday, Sept 29th...I have to take "Business Document Processing", which I think is a long way to say keyboarding. I have no idea why I have to take this, as I have been typing all my life, and working on computer for at least half of my life. Oh well, Hope is paying, so I guess I will take it and be happy. More later.....I have an awful headache......

Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!!!

Here I am.....49 years old! What in the world happened? LOL!!! It is hard to believe. I had a pretty nice day tho. Me and the boys went up to my folks for a cookout and cake and ice cream. My brother and his family and my stepsister and her husband came. Miss Emily, my 7 year old niece, made me a beautiful birthday card. And the boys got me a new DVD, "1408". It is supposed to be very scary....we will probably watch it next weekend.

Also new....we got a new kitten yesterday. She is adorable, silvery grey, with grey green eyes. She is 8 weeks old and her name is Lucy. Dylan is in love. He and Logan both have wanted a pet forever, and everyone finally agreed it was a good idea. Dylan is having a little bit of trouble staying settled down, and I think a cat might help. I have seen a more tender side of him since yesterday.

Another good note....I just found out that my final in Human Disease class is going to be open book. How great is that! It's a week from Wednesday, so I should be able to study enough to do pretty well on it. More later.....


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Some pics from my cruise last year....finally!!!

Me and Tack...this was a very cool aquarium at the Atlantis, on Nassau.
Me....Queen for a moment!
Lighthouse near Nassau
Key West

Our cabin....very comfortable bed.
On deck, ready to head out!!!
First night at dinner, very choppy seas....
Pulling into port
Wow! What a big ship!

Key West